The drink we have on today's, Follow The Liter, is called the Naughty Dog and it is a play on the Colorado Bulldog, which is essentially a White Russian with cola. This one uses aged rum instead of vodka and Root Beer in lieu of cola. The result is an easy to make creamy cocktail that fills the gap between a Cuba Libre and a Root Beer Float.
While this drink might not be light on the calories, it is definitely loaded with flavor. With this booze-fueled milkshake we learn an important mathematical formula: Oreos + Irish Whiskey = Heaven. After all, why eat your dessert when you could drink it instead.
Here is great article in the Houston Chronicle on how the lost art of punch is making a comeback across the country. It is so great to see that people are finally catching on to the fact that a bowl of punch can be well-crafted with fresh juices and quality booze.
This is a really fun video that I made with the folks over at Chow. Hopefully, you are not committing any of these punch sins, but if so this video will give you some pointers that should help you step up your game.